Controlled Activity Approvals

We apply for

Controlled Activity Approvals

What is a Controlled Activity Approval

Controlled Activity Approval (CAA) is a regulatory mechanism that pertains to activities that have the potential to impact water resources. This approval is governed by the Water Management Act 2000 and is administered by the Natural Resources Access Regulator (NRAR). The purpose of a CAA is to ensure that development activities are conducted in a manner that safeguards water resources and prevents adverse environmental impacts.

Controlled Activity Approvals are often one component of the overall regulatory framework for a development. Developers may also need to obtain other approvals, such as development consent from local councils, depending on the nature and scale of the project.

Once approved, developers are required to adhere to the conditions specified in the Controlled Activity Approval. The NRAR monitors compliance to ensure that the approved activities are conducted in accordance with the regulations.

When is a Controlled Activity Approval needed?

Prior to applying for a Controlled Activity Approval (CAA), ESEA can help you determine whether your proposed development is on waterfront land and if it requires a CAA. A CAA is likely required if the proposed development site is located on a watercourse, lake or estuary within the area marked on the Department of Planning and Environment—Water waterfront land maps; or, if the proposed development site is within 40m of a mapped watercourse.

Controlled Activity Approval Applications

ESEA are experienced in producing high-quality CAA applications.

From our experience, we know that application wait times with NRAR can be a serious burden on project timelines. We make a concerted effort to continuously chase up on our client’s applications and ensure that they are processed and approved as quickly as possible.


Committed To Quality

Environmental consulting is a dynamic field that requires adaptability and a commitment to ongoing improvement. At ESEA, we embrace a culture of continuous learning and improvement, allowing us to stay at the forefront of industry best practices.

Choose ESEA for environmental consulting services that go beyond mere compliance – we’re your partner in building a sustainable and resilient future.

We Follow Best Practices

We stay abreast of the latest regulations and practices to ensure our clients receive the most accurate and up-to-date guidance, ensuring that your project remains in full compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.